How to play
Rethinking the boundary of social games

1. Advanced regular monsters

  • Kidnapper-Mon
    Kidnapper-Mon holds Gingerbreads captive by its side. Match this monster with two other same-color monsters to free Gingerbreads.
  • Spelled Gingerbread
    The sorcery monster casts a spell nearby creating a clone of a tied up gingerbread, at the next turn you didn't save any gingerbread.
  • +3 Moves-Mon
    +3 Moves-Mon gives you 3 more moves when it's matched with two other same colored monsters.
  • +5 Sec-Mon
    +5 Sec-Mon appears only in timed mission and helps you earn more time. When you match this monster with two other same-color monsters, 5 extra seconds will be added to given time.
  • Star-Mon
    Star-Mon appears in Weekly Championship only. Weekly Championship is located between floor 94 and 95, it contains 3 Muneras to play and anyone who's up to this floor can participate to compete scores with friends and worldwide players. If you make a match with this Star-Mon you'll get more scores which will help you rank higher than competitors.
  • Color Changing Monster
    Color changing monsters are capable of changing its color at every turn. Catch the right moment to eliminate this color changing monsters.
  • Time Bomb
    Each Time Bomb has its number on and this number will be reduced by 1 with every move. The Time bomb explodes when the number turns to 0 and game ends even when given moves are left. Match this Time Bomb monsters with two other same-color monsters before they explode.
  • Chilling Bomb
    Chilling Bomb explodes when matched with two same-color monsters freezing surrounding monsters in a cross-shape.
  • Puffing Bomb
    Puffing Bomb explodes when matched with two other same-color monsters puffing clouds over a cross-shape section.
  • Chaining Bomb
    Chaining Bomb explodes when matched with two other same-color monsters. Up to 4 random monsters near the Bomb get chained as this Chaining Bomb explodes.
  • Wata Balloon
    Wata Balloon pops to make a splash over 5 straight monsters underneath her when matched. If monster is chained the chain gets loose, if he's in the Ice Prison she breaks the ice, if there's a cloud over the monster she gets rid of the cloud and etc. When met with immovable blockers like Stone Wall and Wooden Boards while splashing down, it makes a detour either left or right then continues to move down. Water splash is also able to attack mini Bosses like birds and the big Bosses.
  • Mystery-Mon
    Mystery-Mons are the monsters with question mark on it. Match this Mystery-Mon with two other same-color monsters, either special item or obstacle blocker will pop out of it.
  • Mon-Shell
    Monsters go in and come out of this Mon-shell at each turn. They are unbeatable when they're hiding in the shell, and attack is valid only while monsters are out the shell.
  • Chained Kidnapping
    The monster holds Gingerbreads captive by its side and also chained them. You need to match this monster with two other same-color monsters first to break the chain, and second to free Gingerbreads.
  • Spring-Mon
    Spring-Mon jumps over one block when there's a possible match to make at the turn. They jump upward, downward, left, or right and cannot be switched with adjacent monsters.
  • 2 Way-Mon
    2 Way-Mons can be moved only in two directions: either up-down or right-left, depending on the position of their arrows. After you match it with other same-colored monsters or attack with special combinations, the 2 Way-Mon will not disappear but turn into a regular monster of the same color.

2. Defensive blocks

  • Ice Prison
    Monsters capture Gingerbreads in the ice prison. Match monster in this ice prison with two other same-color monsters to free Gingerbreads. You can also put specials like Bombs and Magic Hammers adjacent to each other and combine them to free Gingerbreads too.
  • Double-layered Ice Prison
    Ice prison is doubly frozen. Match twice the monsters in this ice prison or combine specials to free Gingerbreads.
  • Triple-layered Ice Prison
    Ice prison is triple-layered. Match three times the monsters in this ice prison or combine specials to free Gingerbreads.
  • Wooden Board
    Wooden board blocks the pathway to bother making moves and are immovable. Match surrounding monsters or combine specials to remotely attack to break this wooden board.
  • Double-layered Wooden Board
    Another wood covered the wooden board and the board is now double-layered. It is still immovable, you need to match surrounding monsters or give special combination attack to first, top off the layer and second, to break it.
  • Triple-layered Wooden Board
    Wooden board it triple-layered. It's immovable and you need to match surrounding monsters or give special combination attack to top off layers then break it.
  • Quadruple-layered Wooden Board
    Wooden board it quadruple-layered. It's immovable and you need to match surrounding monsters or give special combination attack to top off layers then break it.
  • Stony Wooden Board
    Stony Wooden Board is immovable to block the pathway. Half of its edges is covered with solid stone, you need to only match monsters around the other half to break it. Special combination attack cannot pass through the stony part, focus on the woody part to get rid of this blocker.
  • Colored Wooden Boards
    Colored Wooden Board blocks the pathway to bother you making moves and they're immovable. Colored Wooden Board is broken only when the monsters with the same color of that Wooden Board are matched next to it.
  • Chain
    Chains are wrapped around monster to guard and give them protection. Chain gets loose when this chained monster is matched with two other same-color monsters. Special combination attack can also loose the chain. Chained monsters are not movable.
  • Double-layered Chain
    Chains are doubly wrapped around monsters to protect them. Match chained monster with two other same-color monsters or give special combination attack twice to get completely loose of the chain. Chained monsters are not movable.
  • Triple-layered Chain
    Chains are wrapped around monsters 3 times to protect them. Match chained monster with two other same-color monsters or give special combination attack twice to get completely loose of the chain. Chained monsters are not movable.
  • Fence
    Fences are located between cells blocking your chances of switching monsters when there is a fence between them, however monsters can be dropped through fences when matches below are made. There are 3 types of Fences: 1) Wood Fence (at the top of the image), match 3 same-color monsters next to it to break it. 2) Iron Fence (at the center): broken by special bombs only. 3) Stone Fence (at the bottom): unbreakable/cannot be removed from the board.
  • Shield
    The shield blocks the pathway to bother making moves. The shield is movable only when there's a match to make by moving the shield. It gets broken when surrounding monsters are matched or by special combination attack. But special combination attack does not go through the shield so monsters and things behind the shield will not be affected.
  • Double-layered Shield
    The double-layered shield blocks the pathway to bother making moves. The shield is movable only when there's a match to make by moving the shield. Match surrounding monsters or give special combination attack twice to first, top off the layer and second, to break the shield. Special combination attack does not go through the shield so monsters and things behind the shield will not be affected.
  • Triple-layered Shield
    The triple-layered shield blocks the pathway to bother making moves. The characteristic is same as single and double layered shields except that you need to attack this blocker 3 times to get rid of it.
  • The Colored Shield
    The colored shield blocks the pathway to bother you matching monsters. The characteristic of the colored shield is same as the regular shield except that it gets broken only when same-colored monsters of the shield are matched next to it.
  • Fixed Shield (Single-layer)
    Fixed Shield is immovable to block the pathway. The only way to get rid of these Fixed Shields is to match surrounding monsters or attack with specials because this type of shields do not move no matter what.
  • Fixed Shield (Double-layer)
    The characteristic is same as Fixed Shield (single-layer) except that you need to attack this double layered Fixed Shield twice to first, take off the layer and second, to break it.
  • Fixed Shield (Triple-layer)
    The characteristic is same as Fixed Shield (single-layer) except that you need to attack this triple layered Fixed Shield 3 times to take off the layers and then break it.
  • Glass
    Glass is covered over monsters to give them protection. Monsters hide behind this glass to avoid attack, but glass is breakable if you match surrounding monsters or give special combination attack. You can also match the monster under the glass with two other same-color monsters to break the glass. Monsters under the glass is immovable.
  • Double-layered Glass
    Glass is double-layered to give extra protection to monsters. Match surrounding monsters, give special combination attack, match monster under the glass with two other same-color monsters to first, top off the layer and second, to break glass. Monsters under the glass is immovable.
  • Triple-layered Glass
    Glass is triple-layered to give extra protection to monsters. The characteristic is same as single and double layered glass except that you need to attack this glass 3 times to completely break it.
  • Stone Wall
    Stone wall stands in the way to interrupt the move. It does not get attacked and cannot be removed from the board. Stone wall intercepts the special combination attack.
  • Moving Stone Wall
    Moving stone wall is placed on the board and blocks the way. Look for the arrow and its direction around the edges. It's movable only if match can be made by moving this stone wall to the direction of the arrow. Moving Stone Wall intercepts special combination attack.
  • Bombs-away Mon
    Bombs-away Mon is eliminated only by special bombs attack. They stay still and don't get removed when surrounding monsters are matched. Only Horizontal/Vertical/Round Bombs and their combination attack eliminate the Bombs-away Mon but note that specials attack cannot pass through the Mons. Magic Hammer attack is useless but Toy Hammer can eliminate this Bombs-away Mon.
  • Crazy Stone Cube
    Crazy Stone Cube moves by one block in one direction at each turn switching place with monsters. Orange square on these Cubes tell you which way they are capable of moving. Depending on its direction, Cubes will move upward, downward, left or right. Attack Cubes by matching surrounding monsters or by special combination attack then they'll change direction and start moving that way. Special combination attack does not go through this Cube, anything behind it will not be affected. Cubes can be attacked but cannot be eliminated from the board.
  • Switch and Slate Door
    Switch and Slate Door is the pair. When Switch is turned on, the Slate Door opens. Switch can be turned on by matching surrounding monsters or by special combination attack otherwise it's off all the time. Slate door sometimes hides something behind its door. When you hit switch, the slate door opens and stays open for one turn. If you don't hit switch again at that turn, it'll be turned off and door is closed again.
  • Bouncy-Mon
    Bouncy-Mon shoots monster right next to it to the very end of the line at each turn. If there's a immovable blocker in the middle of that line, the monster is shot up to where that blocker is placed. Bouncy-Mon is immovable and neither gets attacked nor eliminated.
  • Moving Walkway
    Monsters ride on this Moving Walkway, and keep moving upward, downward, left or right to escape attack. It moves by one block at each turn, take in which direction it's moving and catch the moment to defeat monsters.
  • Upgraded Moving Walkway
    Upgraded Moving Walkway is set in a twisted way. Monsters on this ride spin round and round in a curve. Focus on catching the right moment to defeat monsters.
  • Tricky Controller
    Tricky Controller is the partner of Moving Walkway. Attack this Tricky Controller by matching surrounding monsters or by combining specials. Every time it's attacked the number on this Controller switches its number from 1 to 2, 2 to 3, and 3 to 1. On number 1, the Moving Walkway moves 1 block forward, on number 2 it moves 2 blocks, and on number 3 the 3 blocks forward at each turn.
  • Belt Power
    Belt Power decides the movement of Moving Walkway. Match surrounding monsters of combine specials to turn on and off the Power. When it's on the Moving Walkway moves, and when it's off the Moving Walkway stays still.
  • Ice Defense Zone
    In Ice Defense Zone, monsters ice themselves to avoid attack. If monsters in this zone gets hit but stays still in the same block, it will not get iced again.
  • Chain Defense Zone
    Monsters chain themselves to be protected from attack in this Chain Defense Zone. Match monster in this zone with two other same-color monsters to get loose of the chain. When monsters in this zone is matched to loose the chain but stays in the same block, it will not get chained again.
  • Halo Hole
    Halo Hole is a secretive passage that monsters go in and out through. Each Halo Hole is connected to the other, one is entrance and the other is exit. Entrance hole is usually on bottom, and exit hole is usually at top. You need to take a close look how they are connected and catch the wandering monsters.
  • Black Hole
    Black Hole absorbs everything that's in it. When there are two Black Holes on the board, whatever in the hole disappear then re-appear from the other hole at each turn. With more than 3 Black Holes, things get sucked up then pops out from other holes randomly. Almost every blocker except some like Moving Walkway, Ice Prison, Ice and Chain zones, Halo Holes, Bosses falls into the hole.
  • Rope
    The hands of Gingerbreads are tied up with ropes. Match monsters surrounding this poor Gingerbreads to get loose of the rope.
  • Extra Long Rope
    The rope is extra long and being used to tie both hands and feet of Gingerbreads. Match monsters surrounding this roped Gingerbreads first to get loose of the rope around feet and second around hands. Ropes get also loose by combining specials.

3. Offensive enemies

  • Sassy Tree (Single layered)
    Sassy Tree move around to produce Wooden Boards. It produces one single-layered Wooden Board at a time to the random place but not at every turn. It also moves randomly when not producing Wooden Boards. It neither moves nor produces Wooden Boards right after attacked. Match surrounding monsters or combine specials to give attack, it will slowly lose life then be eliminated from the board.
  • Sassy Tree (Double layered)
    Characteristic is same as Sassy Tree (single layered) listed above but this one produces one double-layered Wooden board at a time to the random place. Also the helmet intercepts special combination attack.
  • Black Cloud
    Black cloud is covered over monster to give them protection. If it doesn't get attacked, it produces one other black cloud adjacent to it and will eventually cover the board all black. Match monsters surrounding this cloud or combine specials like Bombs and Magic Hammers together to possibly eliminate multiple clouds.
  • Creepy Captain Cloud
    Creepy Captain Cloud generates little black clouds adjacent to it at every turn with no attack made. Match monsters surrounding this captain or give a remote special combination attack to slowly take away its life! The energy bar on this Cloud will turn its green color to orange then red as it loses life. Give attack multiple times to make this bar blank to completely destroy.
  • Iron Mask Cloud
    Iron Mask Cloud is a strong enemy because special combination attack cannot get through the iron. You need to give attack to it by matching surrounding monsters twice. First attack will take off a mask, second attack will eliminate the cloud. If no attack is made, Iron Mask Cloud will puff out the clone!
  • Queen Iron Cloud
    Queen Iron Cloud keeps puffing out one Iron Mask Cloud at each turn when not attacked. Special combinations cannot get through behind the iron but Magic Hammer can hit the Queen. Keep attacking this notorious queen until she disappears! You need to attack her multiple times until the life bar on her totally goes blank.
  • Smoky Bird
    Smoky Bird puffs out little dark clouds when not attacked. Match surrounding monsters or give a remote attack with special combinations to eliminate this bird. When attacked, these Smoky Birds will fly away to other random place. Puffed out clouds are able to make another cloud of its own when not attacked, so make a quick move before it spreads too much! The green life bar on this Bird will turn its color to orange then red as it slowly loses life, and they'll be eliminated when bar goes blank.
  • Chimney Mon
    Chimney Mon sends out three black clouds in different random directions at once every 5 turns if not attacked. Number 5 on each Chimney Mon is reduced by 1 every turn, if you match surrounding monsters or combine specials to attack this Chimney Mon the number increases back to 5. You can only attack the Chimney Mon but cannot eliminate it from the board.
  • Cloudy Cannon
    Cloudy Cannon is fully loaded with little black clouds, blowing each out as it moves around at every turn. You can attack Cloudy Cannon and puffed out clouds by matching surrounding monsters or by combining specials. Cloudy Cannon slowly loses its life when attacked and will be eliminated after multiple attacks. Puffed out cloud produces one other cloud adjacent to it when not attacked so watch out for these clouds too. Cloudy Cannon moves in one direction, upward, downward, left or right randomly then turns around to other direction when met with immovable blocker in a line or when it reaches the end of the line.
  • Firing Cannon
    Firing Cannon fires the cannon clearing a single heading line when it's fully fueled. Match surrounding monsters to fuel it one time or combine specials to doubly fuel the Cannon. One of the four lights on the Cannon will be turned on orange every time it's fueled, and when it's four times fueled, it'll fire the cannon. Note that some Firing Cannon stays still and others rotate counterclockwise at each turn, and special combination attack cannot go through this Cannon.
  • Flash-Mon
    Flash-Mon sparks two lines of lightning in random directions (left, right, upward, or downward) when fully charged. Match surrounding monsters to charge it one time or combine specials to doubly charge the Flash-Mon. One of the four lights on the Flash-Mon will be turned on orange every time it's attacked. Flash-Mon moves around the board freely but stays still at right next turn it's attacked.
  • Robot Vacuum
    The Robot Vacuum moves around the board to clean up the mess like ices, Snail-Mon slime, black clouds and Iron Mask Cloud that's not wearing a mask. The Robot Vacuum has 5 turns to use, he's clever enough to see where the mess is and uses the turn to either move near to it or suck it up. After those 5 turns, the battery is dead and the Vacuum gets turned off. Every time you match the surrounding monsters or combine specials the battery is fully filled to get immediate 5 turns.
  • Freaky Freezer
    The Freaky Freezer keeps forming ice to the way it's looking at, and freezes things one by one. Iced thing cannot be moved, match monsters surrounding this thing, or you may match any frozen monster with two other same-color monsters to melt the ice. Match surrounding monsters of this Freezer or give remote special combination attack, then Freezer will not spit out ice at next turn but slowly lose its life with every attack. You need to attack this Freezer several times to completely eliminate it from the board.
  • Frosty Bird
    Frosty Bird blows icy breath to freeze adjacent monsters. Match surrounding monsters or Keep matching surrounding monsters or combine specials to give attack and eliminate. When attacked, these Frosty Birds will fly away to other random place.
  • Doubly Freezer
    Doubly Freezer freezes two monsters at once each turn in the direction he's facing. Iced monster (or Gingerbread) cannot be removed, match any frozen monster with two other same-color monsters or surrounding monsters to melt the ice. He'll not spit out the ice right after he's attacked. You can eliminate this Doubly Freezer by matching surrounding monsters or by combining specials several times.
  • Roller Chaining-Mon
    Roller Chaining-Mon rolls around the board and leaves chains on its passed way to wrap monsters. Those monsters wrapped with chain can be matched with two other same-color monsters, then chain from that monster to the end will be gone. Roller Chaining-Mon changes its direction when met with blockers or corner. You need to give attack several times to completely eliminate this enemy, until the energy bar goes completely blank.
  • Chaining Bird
    Chaining Bird wraps chain around two monsters at each turn. The bird is able to stretch out its chain upward, downward, left, right, and also diagonal. Attack this bird by matching surrounding monsters or by special combination attack. When attacked, it will fly away to a random place and will be eliminated if attacked several times. Chaining Bird needs to get attacked several times until its life bar goes completely blank to be eliminated.
  • Wrappy Chainer
    Wrappy Chainer moves around the board to wrap chains around a random near monster. If that monster is already a chained monster, the chain will be double-layered. For double-layered chain monster, you need to match it with two other same-color monsters twice to get loose of the chain. You can attack this Wrappy Chainer by matching surrounding monsters or combining specials but note that specials attack cannot get through the Chainer. He neither moves nor chains monsters right after he's attacked. After several attacks he'll be eliminated from the board.
  • Spider-Mon
    Spider-Mon spins a sticky web of line to the way it's looking at, the web covers monsters to give protection. Match any monster under this web with two other same-color monsters then the whole line of web will be gone. But if Spider-Mon doesn't get attacked, it'll again spin a web to cover monsters. Match surrounding monsters or give special combination to slowly take life of this Spider-Mon away. Spider-Mon is not eliminated until the life energy bar on it goes all down to zero.
  • Armor Spider
    Armor Spider spins a web of line to the way it's looking at, covering monsters to protect them. Match any monster under this web with two other same-color monsters then the whole line of web will be gone. You can match surrounding monsters or activate specials to give attack to this Armor Spider, but after the turn it's not attacked, it'll a web to cover monsters again. Also, unlike Spider-Mon, special combination attack doesn't go through the web, monsters beyond this web will not get attacked.
  • Messy Snail-Mon
    Snail-Mon moves around over the board to leave a trail of slippery slime to cover monsters. You can make match around the slime to wipe it, and around Snail-Mon to give attack to it. You can also make special combination to give remote attack. The Snail-Mon changes its direction when met with blocker or corner. The green life energy bar on this Snail-Mon needs to go blank to get it completely eliminated.
  • Bat-Mon
    Bat-Mon uses ultrasonic waves around him, things under this wave are immovable. Match any monster under the wave with two other same-color monsters or combine specials to attack this Bat-Mon. Bat-Mon gets attacked only once at each turn as he covers himself with wings to avoid multiple attack. He will be completely removed from the board when attacked several times.
  • Raybeam-Mon
    Raybeam-Mon doesn't move and is stuck in one place to shoot a line of ultrasonic waves. Instead it spins counterclockwise, left, down, right, and up at each turn. Monsters under waves are immovable. Match surrounding monsters or combine specials to give attack, multiple attack will eliminate him. Also at the turn right after being attacked, Raybeam-Mon does not shoot the waves.
  • Choke-Mon
    Choke-Mon tightens what's left, right, upward, and downward to him. He moves around the board randomly when there’s nothing to tighten, but if he sees something to tighten near him, he approaches there to take action. 1) In Gingerbread drop-down mission: Choke-Mon tightens Gingerbread's hands then feet if he’s free with ropes. If only hands are tied, Choke-Mon ties his feet too. Each attack is made in single turn. 2) In Kidnapper-Mon mission: Choke-Mon extra chains the Gingerbread at each turn. 3) In Ice Prison mission: Choke-Mon gives one more layer to single-layered Ice Prison to make it double-layered at each turn.
  • Bubble-Mon
    Bubble-Mon shoots bubbles to cover and protect monsters on the same line randomly. Bubbled monster goes upwards at each turn. Match surrounding monsters or combine specials to burst the bubble. You can swipe a bubbled monster to match it with two other same-color monsters.
  • Dragon-mon
    Dragon-mon is a great enemy spitting two-layered magic fire to any random cell in a row it's looking at. Attack Dragon-mon and it will not breathe fire at the next turn. Moreover, it can be eliminated after several attacks, keep checking its energy bar. Two-layered Magic Fire fully covers monsters in its magically green flames, while single-layered fire covers half of a monster only. Match monsters next to the two-layered fire to get rid of the first layer, and match nearby monsters or the monster in flames to get rid of the second layer as well. If the fire doesn't get attacked, it spreads on the monsters placed diagonally in the first place.
  • Ghost-Mon
    Ghost-Mon appears on the board to scare regular and chained monsters located in cross direction so that they cannot move but stay scared unless you match them with other same-color monsters to make them turn back to their original state. Ghost-mon can move, disappear and pop out again at random places. You can see its silhouette (its eyes rolling) at a cell it's going to appear again. Ghost-mon cannot be completely removed from the board, however it will either disappear for a few turns or move to another place with equal probability after you attack it by matching surrounding monsters.

4. Bosses

  • Boss
    The Boss is the boss of monsters and doesn't get defeated with just one attack. You need to keep matching monsters around this Boss or attack remotely by special combination effect to give damage to him. Then Boss will slowly lose his life.
  • Healing Boss
    Healing Boss gains his power back at the move with no attack made. Keep matching monsters surrounding this Healing Boss or attack remotely by special combination effect to give damage, then Boss will slowly lose his life.
  • Sly Flying Boss
    The Sly Flying Boss has its own hideaways here and there. When attacked, this Flying Boss flies away to another hideaway so you need to chase the Boss to give attack. Match surrounding monsters or activate special combination to give remote attack.
  • Boss with Spell Bubble
    The Boss with a spell bubble on his side designs and produces blockers to defend himself from getting attacked. It may produce shield, wooden board, and Time Bomb. The blockers in the bubble will be generated when Boss is not attacked. Keep matching monsters surrounding the Boss or give special combination attack before too many obstacles come out and block the way.
  • Jumbo Spider Boss
    The Jumbo Spider Boss spins double lines of web in all directions. When any monster under this web is matched, the whole two lines of web will be gone. But if not attacked, it will again spin double lines of web at right next turn. Attack Boss by matching monsters surrounding him or give special combination attack then he will slowly lose his life.
  • Iron Boss
    Iron Boss keeps puffing out little Iron Mask Clouds when not attacked. Match surrounding monsters or combine specials to attack and eliminate him. Released Iron Mask Clouds will spread out at the turn with no attack made so stop this Iron crew before they cover the whole board!
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